Stoneboat 11.1 — Spring 2021
“Blockbuster” by Madeline Corley
“The Derivative of Being” by Divya Mehrish
“A Caught Fire” by Amelia C. Eilertsen
“Songwriting” & “Listening to Kendrick Lamar” by James Miller
“Soul Brawl” by Andrew Najberg
“A Pocket Guide to Caving Grounds” by Kathleen M. Heideman
“You, a Garden” by Jannie Edwards
“Swim” by Dale Champlin
“How We See Ourselves: Woman in a Cage” by Claire Lawrence
“Precession” by Daniel Ciochina
Graphic Literature
“Genny as Evelyn as Leda” by Heather Momyer
Visual Artist Bios
Long Island based artist Abby Brickner has been honing her skills in painting and mixed media at Drew University. Abby’s background in Psychology and Studio Art has encouraged her to construct spaces to present questions through her art. Her recontextualization of familiar media and technology seen in mass production provides her audience a space to reconsider the world around them.
Dale Champlin is an Oregon poet with an MFA in fine arts. She is the editor of /pãn| dé| mïk/ 2020: An Anthology of Pandemic Poems. Dale has art and poetry published in Calyx, The Opiate, San Pedro River Review, catheXis, Pif, and elsewhere. Three collections, Isadora, Callie Comes of Age, and Andromina, A Stranger in America are forthcoming.
Daniel Ciochina was born in Portland, Oregon as the first generation of his family in the United States. He has explored South America, Europe, and the States, surveying the characteristics of society, people, objects, and their relations between each other. With this in mind he creates objects and pieces that embody these ideas, making one question or reflect their own stance within a given space or realm of thought.
Claire Lawrence is a storyteller and mixed-media visual artist living in British Columbia, Canada. She has been published in Canada, the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and India. Her work has been performed on BBC radio. Claire’s stories have appeared in numerous publications including: Geist, Pulp Literature, Litro, Ravensperch, Brilliant Flash Fiction, Hot Flash Fiction and more. She has a number of prize winning stories, and was nominated for the 2016 Pushcart Prize. Claire’s artwork has appeared in many magazines including: A3 Review and Press, Cold Mountain Review, Inverted Syntax, Black Lion Journal, Sunspot and many more. Her goal is to create and publish in all genres, and not inhale too many fumes.
Heather Momyer is the author of the fiction chapbook How to Swim and the creative nonfiction/literary criticism chapbook Among Friends and Lovers. Her stories and essays appear Another Chicago Magazine, The Forge Literary Review, Puerto del Sol, Bennington Review, and other journals. She is currently working on a novel loosely based on Leda and the swan and their progeny.