Light Journeys
By Melissa Knox Evans
From conversations with Dr. Pippa Cole
before you leave Da, close
your eyes and stay
the phases
rush your lids shut caroming
against the ricochets eight-minute waves born
of light of random walks
sparked millions of nights
years dawns
before you crawled reaching for fresh moss
through sharp grasses shedding next to woodruff creeping
long before you broke us into bloom under oak trees
our weans flitting branching widely then
as late sun dulls coarsening into dusk
tonight your broad fingers bring comfort
less thick than before my son murmurs his feet
shift rubbing together
like cricket legs as he slips into sleep
beneath my pied hand toes fluttering
their twitches flicking
moon-dimness like wraiths
into the bowl of my eye
and our breath so still so gently calm
I feel we might hear
the photons land
that time slows, Da—
your blaze
searing up to the stars
Melissa Knox Evans lives in Oxford, UK. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in New York Quarterly, The Closed Eye Open, Cathexis Northwest Press, Inklette Magazine, The Banyan Review, Hare’s Paw Journal, Barzakh Magazine, and elsewhere. She is editor of science and arts publication, Seisma Magazine.