Self-Portrait as a Fine Winter Drizzle

By John Schneider

I could smell December’s end
descending like a woven mesh

like television static      the cloth
holding a wound together    a never-

ending series of Seurat dots
stippling a cold pavement

leaving subtle openings
a flower’s nascent bloom

a brief refuge from self-reflection
a form of prayer      an invitation

to recognize the entirety
of our story     to finally

enter into that silence     each drop
a thread in the fabric      the spaces between

John Schneider’s debut poetry collection, Swallowing the Light, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award in Poetry and nominated for the Hoffer Award, was published in 2022. His non-fiction book, Dreaming and Being Dreamt, was published by Routledge in 2023. His poetry has been a Merit Award winner in Atlanta Review’s 2021 International Poetry Competition. He is also a two-time Pushcart Prize nominee. He resides in Berkeley, California.


Fine Dining, with Foxes


I’ve Made Peace with the Spider